Agenda 2024 International 
Wine Competition 2024
Wine Guide  2024 Wine Exhibition 2024
Wine-Winning Awards 2023

Wine, Beer & Spirits Flagship Group
Present Competitions

The Rosé Wine, Creator of Tastes and Flavors, 

travelling in different gastronomic worlds
in a mode of conviviality never equaled!

A national wine competition in Bordeaux,  the international wine capital, only the wines of France in competition, tasted and judged exclusively by international female experts.

TERROIR, magic word, untranslatable, part of geography, part of history, 
as a tribute to the hard work of our winegrowers in the vineyard 
and the common sense of our winemakers in the cellar. 
With Wine and Terroir, we enter right into 
what is now called "the World of Wine Tourism".

The World Wine Experience - Innovative and Pioneering
The Essential of the Best World Class Wines Tasted and Evaluated by the Millennials for all Tastes, Genres and Styles.

Incredible Rosé Wines, here in all its dimension and potential!
Le Vin Rosé - Rosé Wine - Vino Rosato - Roséwein - Vino Rosado - Vinho Rosado – Roséwijn - Wino Różowe - Pозовое Bино - როზეს ღვინო - Розово вино - Vi Rosat - 桃红葡萄酒 - Vinu Rosatu - Vino od Ruža - יין רוזה - Bor Rózsaszínű - ロゼワイン - Vinum Rosea - Rožinis Vynas - Pinkish Wäin - Inbid Fir-Roża - Ružové Víno - Rosaaktig Vin - Růžové Víno – ไวน์ชมพู - Pembe Şarap - النبيذ الورود - Вино Роз - Wayini Rosa - Rượu Vang Hồng - Ranm
The Best World-Class Rosé Wines for all Tastes, Genres and Styles.

First French approved wine contest exclusively tasted and evaluted by female international experts.
This competition is also the first internationally-oriented by wines from all over the world but also because the wines are exclusively tasted and judged by professional women and oenophiles warned international.
This international competition is also intended to encourage and highlight the role of women and the professions they perform in the world of wine and wine internationally.

Spirits from around the world tasted and judged exclusively by expert women. One and only international competition with such an original concept.

2025 Women & Spirits of the World International Competition MONACO


We will celebrate 2024
"Women and the Vine and Wine Professions Internationally"

around a "Finger Lunch Cocktail"
Accompanied by Wines and Spirits
Selected and awarded in the 2024 wine and spirits competitions!

 Under the Houlette Of Its President Gilles BRUNNER
Enthronement  of International Female Tasters

With the participation of 
Monaco Sommeliers Association & his Team Monaco
 Under the Houlette Of Its President Dominique MILARDI
Under the Houlette Of Its President Antonio FOCHI

Exclusivity for Wine, Beer & Spirits 
 from World Competitions




 Wine - Beer - Spirits - Flagship International Competitions

Here are the other themes we deal with: Women, Rosé Wine, Gastronomy, Terroir and Millennials in different emblematic and prestigious cities; Monaco, Paris, Brignoles Provence Verte, Bordeaux , Montpellier  & Saint Tropez.


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